作者:马来西亚管理与科学大学 时间:11月11日

  信息科学与工程学院/Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering



1. 工程技术基础
Foundation in Engineering
and Technology
KPT/JPS ( N/010/30221 ) 12/18

2. 电机与电子工程专业文凭
Diploma in Electrical and
Electronic Engineering
KPT/JPS (R2/522/4/0009) 07/22

3. 电脑工程专业文凭
Diploma in Computer Engineering
KPT/JPS ( R/523/4/0123 ) 04/19

4. 飞机维修技术文凭
Diploma in Aircraft
Maintenance Technology
KPT/JPS ( R/525/4/0008 ) 06/21

5. 机械工程文凭
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
KPT/JPS ( N/521/4/0042 ) 03/18

6. 机械工程文凭
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
(Air Conditioning and Refrigeration)
KPT/JPS ( N/521/4/0079 ) 05/19

7. 机械工程文凭
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
(Highrise Building Maintenance)
KPT/JPS ( N/521/4/0122 ) 09/20

8. 电脑工程学士学位
Bachelor in Computer Engineering (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/523/6/0004 ) 01/21

9. 工程技术学士
Bachelor of Engineering Technology
(Electrical & Electronic) (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/523/6/0024 ) 05/22

10. 机械工程科学学士学位
Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( N/521/6/0137 ) 04/21

11. 领航与航空管理学士学位
Bachelor of Science in Aviation
Management and Piloting (Hons)
KPT/ JPS ( N/345/6/0933 ) 04/21


1. 信息技术基础
Foundation in Information Technology
KPT/JPS ( R/010/3/0089 ) 06/18

2. 资讯科技文凭
Diploma in Information Technology
KPT/JPS ( R2/481/4/0090 ) 06/22

3. 商业计算文凭
Diploma in Business Computing
KPT/JPS ( R/482/4/0061 ) 11/19

4. 电脑鉴证文凭
Diploma in Computer Forensic
KPT/JPS ( R2/481/4/0116 ) 07/22

5. 资讯科技(无线通讯技术)文凭
Diploma in Information Technology
(Mobile and Wireless Technology)
KPT/JPS ( R/481/4/0518 ) 06/19

6. 信息管理文凭
Diploma in Information Management
KPT/ JPS ( R/322/4/0003 ) 06/22

7. 电脑科学学士
Bachelor in Computer Science (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/481/6/0091 ) 05/22

8. 商业计算学士学位
Bachelor in Business Computing (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/482/6/0041 ) 01/20

9. 信息系统审计学士学位
Bachelor in Information
Systems Auditing (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R3/481/6/0649 ) 07/21

10. 电脑鉴证学士学位
Bachelor in
Computer Forensic (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/481/6/0184 ) 09/22

11. 资讯科技
Bachelor in Information
(Mobile Wireless &
Technology) (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R/481/6/0335 ) 01/18


1. 视觉艺术基础
Foundation in Visual Arts
KPT/JPS ( N/010/3/0141 ) 05/18

2. 多媒体文凭
Diploma in Multimedia
KPT/JPS ( R2/213/4/0013 ) 06/20

3. 平面设计文凭
Diploma in Graphic Design
KPT/JPS ( R2/214/4/0189 ) 07/22

4. 动画与游戏设计文凭
Diploma in Games Design and Animation
KPT/JPS ( R/213/4/0168 ) 01/18

5. 创意视觉文凭
Diploma in Creative Visual
KPT/JPS ( N/213/4/0282 ) 04/21

6. 室内设计文凭
Diploma in Interior Design
KPT/JPS ( N/214/4/0192 ) 06/22

7. 资讯与通信技术学士学位
Bachelor in Information and
CommunicationTechnology (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/481/6/0092 ) 10/20

8. 平面设计学士学位
Bachelor in Graphic Design (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R/213/6/0261 ) 05/21

9. 动画与游戏设计学士学位
Bachelor in Games Design
and Animation (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/213/6/0043 ) 07/21

10. 教学多媒体学士学位
Bachelor in Instructional Multimedia (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/213/6/0082 ) 07/22

11. 视觉传达与营销学士学位
Bachelor in Visual Communication
and Marketing (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R/342/6/0177 ) 05/18

12. 创意多媒体学士学位
Bachelor in Creative Multimedia (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R/213/6/0085 ) 09/18

13. 新媒体学士学位
Bachelor of New Media (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R/213/6/0293 ) 06/19

14. 创意视频摄影学士学位
Bachelor in Creative Video and
Photography (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( N/213/6/0128 ) 05/18

15. 产品设计学士学位
Bachelor in Product Design (Hons)
KPT/ JPS ( N/214/6/0180 ) 04/22

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