作者:马来西亚管理与科学大学 时间:11月11日

  工商管理与专业研究学院/Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies



1. 会计文凭
Diploma in Accounting
KPT/JPS ( R2/344/4/0054 ) 07/22

2. 投资管理文凭
Diploma in Investment Management
KPT/ JPS ( R/343/4/0094 ) 06/19

3. 伊斯兰银行文凭
Diploma in Islamic Banking
KPT/ JPS ( N/343/4/0096 ) 09/18

4. 伊斯兰金融文凭
Diploma in Islamic Finance
KPT/JPS ( R/343/4/0063 ) 09/22

5. 会计学士学位
Bachelor in Accountancy (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/344/6/0079 ) 12/22

6. 投资管理学士学位
Bachelor in Investment Management (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R/343/6/0093 ) 06/19

7. 财务学士
Bachelor in Finance (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/343/6/00146 ) 12/21

8. 伊斯兰银行学士学位
Bachelor in Islamic Banking (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( N/343/6/0213 ) 11/21

9. 伊斯兰保险学士学位
Bachelor in Takaful (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( N/343/6/0211 ) 11/21

10. 伊斯兰金融学士学位
Bachelor in Islamic Finance (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( N/343/6/0212 ) 11/21


1. 业务基础
Foundation in Business
KPT/JPS ( R/010/3/0169 ) 07/19

2. 法治基础
Foundation in Law
KPT/JPS ( R/010/3/0170 ) 07/19

3. 管理文凭
Diploma in Management
KPT/ JPS ( R2/345/4/ 0068 ) 05/22

4. 人力资本管理文凭
Diploma in Human Capital Management
KPT/JPS ( R2/345/4/0126 ) 03/21

5. 零售管理文凭
Diploma in Retail Management
KPT/JPS ( R2/341/4/0014 ) 07/21

6. 物流管理文凭
Diploma in Logistics Management
KPT/JPS ( N/345/4/0870 ) 10/20

7. 创业文凭
Diploma in Entrepreneurship
KPT/JPS ( N/340/4/0711 ) 12/22

8. 办公室管理技术文凭
Diploma in Office Management Technology
KPT/JPS ( N/346/4/0051 ) 06/22

9. 国际商务学士学位
Bachelor in International Business (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/340/6/0065 ) 05/22

10. 工业管理学士学位
Bachelor in Industrial Management (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/345/6/0010 ) 05/21

11. 人力资本管理学士学位
Bachelor in Human Capital Management (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/345/6/0127 ) 03/22

12. 零售管理学士学位
Bachelor in Retail Management (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R/341/6/0045 ) 06/22

13. 心理学营销学士学位
Bachelor in Marketing with Psychology (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R/342/6/0184 ) 10/20

14. 法律和商业学士学位
Bachelor in Law and Commerce (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( R2/380/6/0002 ) 11/20

15. 创业学士学位
Bachelor in Entrepreneurship (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( N/340/6/0750 ) 15/22

16. 伊斯兰管理学士学位
Bachelor in Islamic Management (Hons)
KPT/JPS ( N/345/6/0047 ) 10/18

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