教育与社会科学学院/School of Education and Social Sciences
教育 | 1. TESL 基础课程 (英语作为第二教学语言) Foundation in TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) KPT/JPS ( N/222/3/0007 ) 09/18 |
2. 教育文凭 ( TESL) (英语作为第二教学语言) Diploma in Education (TESL) KPT/JPS ( R/145/4/0040 ) 11/19 |
3. 幼儿教育文凭 Diploma in Early Childhood Education KPT/JPS ( R2/143/4/0101 ) 02/21 |
4. 教育学士学位 ( TESL) (英语作为第二教学语言) Bachelor in Education (TESL) (Hons) KPT/JPS ( R/145/6/0039 ) 11/19 |
5. 幼儿教育学士学位 Bachelor in Early Childhood Education (Hons) KPT/JPS ( R2/143/6/0054 ) 09/22 |
6. 教育 ( 视觉艺术) 学士学位 Bachelor in Education (Visual Arts) (Hons) KPT/JPS ( N/145/6/0031 ) 11/17 |
7. 教育(科学)学士学位 Bachelor in Education (Science) (Hons) KPT/JPS ( N/145/6/0043 ) 03/19 |
8. 教育(电气与电子工程)学士学位 Bachelor in Education (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (Hons) KPT/JPS ( N/145/6/0079 ) 12/20 |
9. 教育 (体育与健康) 学士学位 Bachelor in Education (Physical Education and Health) (Hons) KPT/JPS ( N/145/6/0049 ) 08/19 |
咨询与辅导 | 1. 谘询与辅导文凭 Diploma in Counselling and Guidance KPT/JPS ( R/762/4/0024 ) 10/20 |
2. 谘询与辅导学士学位 Bachelor in Counselling and Guidance (Hons) KPT/JPS ( R/762/6/0027 ) 04/20 |
3. 心理学学士 Bachelor in Psychology (Hons) KPT/ JPS ( N/311/6/0091 ) 06/22 |
公共关系 | 1. 公关与娱乐管理文凭 Diploma in Public Relations and Entertainment Management KPT/JPS ( R/321/4/0122 ) 07/18 |
2. 公关管理学士学位 Bachelor of Public Relations Management (Hons) KPT/JPS ( R/342/6/0127 ) 08/19 |